As participants in the life of God who is love and who is the mystical exemplar of personal relations, the Brothers are brought together in Christ’s name. They delight in his presence as this unity is strengthened by his prayer to the Father: “May they be one in us”. (Constitutions, #34)

Each fraternity strives to become an evangelical community, witnessing to the already present Kingdom, where charity breaks down barriers, reconciles all men, sons of the same Father and brothers of Jesus Christ, who calls them together in one body. (Constitutions, #35)

The Brothers’ religious consecration creates a closer intimacy with the Lord present in the midst of the community. Chastity amplifies the capacity to love, while religious poverty makes one share his temporal goods, place his talents in the service of others, and submit to the universal law of work. Obedience involves dependence on others and community discernment of God’s will. (Directory, #62)

Prayer Life

“As religious in the service of the Church, the Brothers are, by vocation, men of prayer.” (Constitutions, #42)

To avoid becoming too engrossed in his many tasks, the Brother reserves certain times for prayer, which he needs to stay united with Christ in his daily occupations. (Directory, #94b)

Accepting inevitable tensions, the Brother assures his fidelity through an ever-closer union with Christ, the source of his being and the goal of his existence. (Directory, #94d)

Each day, if at all possible, the Brothers participate in the Eucharistic celebration, during which they love to receive the Sacred Body of Christ.

The Eucharist, “sign of unity and bond of charity,” is the summit towards which the life of the community is directed. For all the Brothers, “it is the source of divine love, of zeal and of selflessness which has given strength to the martyrs, fashioned the purity of virgins and formed all the saints”. (Directory, #84a)

The Eucharistic worship unites the Brothers in the sacrifice of Christ. At Mass, the Brothers renew their consecration which unites them with the supreme and ongoing sacrifice of the Redeemer. (Directory, #84b)

When the community finds it impossible to participate in the Mass, the Brothers are urged to join in the liturgy of the Word and in sacramental communion. (Directory, #84c)

Twice a day, the community assembles for prayer: in the morning, for Lauds and a thirty-minute meditation, and in the evening, for a half-hour, for Vespers, the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and personal examen. (Constitutions, #43)

The Brothers visit the Blessed Sacrament to express their love and gratitude and to render to their Lord due homage and adoration. (Directory, #84d)

Through the divine office, religious participate in the official prayer of the Church, “which is ceaselessly engaged in praising the Lord and interceding for the salvation of the whole world”. (Directory, #85a)

This prayer, made in the name of all for the benefit of all, is a “source of piety and nourishment for personal prayer” and thus, an exceptionally fitting encounter with God. (Directory, #85b)

The Brothers love to give daily expression to the veneration of the Virgin Mary, especially through the meditated recitation of the Rosary, a traditional prayer in the Congregation. (Constitutions, #44)

The Brother has a great love and veneration for the Virgin Mary. In the Scriptures, he meditates on her role in salvation history and in the liturgy, he relives with her the mysteries of her divine Son’s life. To liturgical celebrations in her honor, he adds acts of devotion inspired by true faith. He entrusts to her maternal solicitude his religious and apostolic life. (Directory, #93)

The Brothers set aside a minimum of two hours each week for spiritual reading, especially of the Scriptures. (Constitutions, #45)

The Brother attaches great importance to the Scriptures and studies them diligently. Realizing that “ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ,” he strives, by assiduous reading, to gain “the supreme advantage of knowing the Christ Jesus”. (Directory, #87a)

Regularly, he finds time to study “the teaching of the faith and the good doctrine,” which enables him to improve his presentation of the Christian message. (Directory, #87b)

To foster community awareness of the major documents of the Church and of the Congregation, it is desirable that they be read in community. Such texts provide excellent subject matter for community meetings. (Directory, #87c)

For the conversion of their hearts to God, the Brothers frequently receive the sacrament of reconciliation, prepared by a daily examination of conscience. (Constitutions, #46)

In the sacrament of reconciliation, the Brother acknowledges his failings and gratefully receives the Father’s forgiveness. He thus strengthens his bonds with the Church which he had weakened by his sinfulness. (Directory, #90)

Guided by the Holy Spirit and helped by a competent spiritual director or his habitual confessor, the Brother gradually discovers the path to God. The practice of particular examen provides added stimulus for generous progress towards his spiritual goals. (Directory, #91)

Periodically, communities avail themselves of quiet periods to renew themselves in their calling. Each community organizes its recollections to norms set by regional or provincial authorities.

Each year the Brothers make a six-day spiritual retreat. (Constitutions, #47)

The annual retreat gives the Brother an excellent opportunity to intensify his quest for God. Setting aside his usual occupations and concerns, the Brother spends time in solitude, silence and prayer. In more intimate union with God, he assesses his performance, rekindles his spiritual life and forges ahead with renewed hope in God’s goodness. (Directory, #92)


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